Well, it's just that time to update the whole blog-o-sphere again. What a joy! Life has been so great lately.. we are very lucky that we are so blessed. I had to go back to work about a month ago, but it's actually been okay. We've had very little time in court, so I'm actually getting to spend most of my days at home!! Yea!! When both Jackson and I are gone, we drop Adalynn off to play at our friends' house. They have a little girl, Kadance, who is about one year old, and she is a doll! It's cute to see the "hugs" Kadance gives Adalynn. She is so sweet.
My brother, Cody, went off the Marine's boot camp thing, and my parents got a letter from him the other day, so that was exciting. He's pretty funny, and he's definitely more optimistic than I think I would be. For example, in his letter he writes something to the effect of: The food here is actually okay.. just produced in mass quantities and we always have the same thing. For example: Every day for breakfast we have (1) Pancakes, (2) Waffles, or (3) French Toast. The only unfortunate thing is that we can never tell which is which...
Jackson is busy, busy in school. He's having this inner battle between the schoolwork that he has to get done and his great love for the outdoors where he would rather be out hunting or fishing or something of the sort. What a rough life having so many enjoyable hobbies!!
Adalynn is so much fun, and I find her quite hilarious. We have started feeding her cereal and letting her taste different foods. I'll be honest, the reason I hold things up for her to lick and taste is pretty much just so I can see the reaction on her face. It's pretty much the funniest thing ever! She's starting to get the concept of eating cereal...but, oh my, it (the cereal) gets EVERYWHERE!!
Here is her first experience in a high chair...the "before" picture.
Then she's trying to figure out if she likes this whole eating thing...
Yea!! Success!!
Adalynn has also been working on rolling over. She gets so close, but then she just gets too tired, or too comfortable, or just decides that rolling over is a lame idea
And, finally, last but not least, Halloween!! We had a great Halloween.. I'll admit it, Jackson and I totally forgot to buy Halloween candy, and so at about 5:00 p.m. as the first trick-or-treaters come to our house, what do we do? Instead of going and telling them, hey, sorry, we forgot candy, we're like, ahh! hide! don't say anything! turn off all the lights! like we're terrified of these little 5-year-old princesses and batmans. Oh well. I suppose that just exhibits our lack of coolness. Adalynn and I joined Ruth and Karver at the Halloween party at the Institute. Oh, man, Adalynn loved it!! She is a little party baby! After the Institute party we all came back to our house and watched Ninja Turtles! Yes! I think Adalynn liked Halloween. She was a little ladybug. I liked the costume because it was different than all the pumpkin and bear costumes I had seen, and also she can now wear her costume as pajamas. I love dual purpose money-saving ideas.
Woo woo!! What a cutie pie!!
She is getting so big. I love the halloween picture! That is so cute. She is way excited huh?
Adalyn is so cute. She looks like such a happy girl!
What a cute little lady you have! Have fun with that cereal because it will continue to get everywhere!
Those are really cute pictures, what a smile she has as a little lady bug! Those are cute jammies, she was wearing them the other day and I thought they were so cute! Letting them taste the foods for the first time is more fun on our part to watch, I agree.
I loved reading about all that has happened lately. I knew a lot of things, but a few were new. I love that I can just click a button, and POOF, I get to see that cutie batootie face baby of yours.We love you guys!
hate to tell you this but you have a lady bug on your blanket!! but it is the cutest lady bug i have ever seen! :)
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