I really only took one picture of my work-in-progress, and it is before I cut out the material. This was by far my least favorite part.
Perseverance is the moral to this story! After lots of hard work and about four and a half weeks later, we have the finished product! To tell you the truth, I was really quite relieved that the dress still fit her... haha.. My dad was kind enough to take some pictures of Addy, so here is Adalynn and her dress in all their glory!

Cute huh? She is such a funny baby. Next I must briefly blog about my second hobby, which is................(feel free to do another drumroll, if you would like)....................................couponing!!! That's right, couponING. This is not merely clipping coupons, my friends. This is a sport! An art! Finding and clipping coupons and then finding sales on the items you have clipped coupons for and then combining your savings to make the items 1. FREE!!, 2. Close to free (aka very cheap), or 3. A money-maker (through rebates and different things)! Such a fun deal! Couponing can be slightly time consuming if you're an addict like me.. I'll try and post some of the great deals I've gotten later, but for now I don't really have pictures of everything, so it makes it not as impressive looking. Don't worry though...details are coming!!
Well, I have to say that even though I really do love my fun and perhaps slightly nerdy hobbies, there are a few somethings that I love even more: my hubby and baby! Jackson does so much for our family and I'm super impressed how he's taken on this remodeling project and just gone to town with it. He claims that he's never done most of this stuff before, but he is a natural!! We are pretty much down to the painting stage (yea, finally a light at the end of the tunnel!!)... oh, and we have to finish installing our countertops and extending our floor. Okay, that may sound like kind of a lot, but really it truly isn't. These are very minor projects compared to the huge construction project this has been. AND here's the greatest thing: Even though Jackson's super busy with school and family and remodeling and his nagging wife, he still finds the time to just be so sweet. I am very lucky to have him and I just love him to pieces!! (even when he spends the whole day talking to me in Spanish and I don't have a clue what he's even saying to me...or about me.. haha) Love ya, babe!
Adalynn. I swear she is all I ever talk about.. but I secretly love it!! Okay, I just have to say this outright: She is a super hilarious baby!! (she must take after her mother in that aspect... haha.. okay, lame attempt at a joke) She's so much fun; her personality is really starting to come out. First, the factual info, for anyone interested in hearing: Adalynn has officially cut four teeth, and a few of them were rather nightmarish to get. It was sad. She also is now such a big girl in her forward-facing carseat that her Grandma Fish gave to her. We tried to take a nice happy picture of her in her carseat to send to grandma.. not so much luck. Here's what we got:
She looks super excited, huh? Okay, not really. But like I said before, her personality is really coming through. One thing is for certain: This girl DEFINITELY takes after her mother in her ice-cream loving ways. She had her first ice-cream cone, and at first she didn't really know what to do with it. Then she got a good lick (or bite, really), and WHOA, what goodness was in her mouth! She goes from this...
...to this...
...to this...
I wish I could get a really good picture of it, because I find it so funny and she does it all the time. She usually even gets this way serious look on her face like, hey, mom, this is serious business, this reading the newspaper stuff. I think sometimes she does things just to make me laugh.. or to kind of spite me... Like, I don't know what her deal with shopping carts is, but she LOVES to lean down and just suck on the little metal handle thing. Gross! I make sure that I sanitize every shopping cart before I put her in it, and then I try to hide the metal with blankets and toys and hope that she'll get distracted. Nope. The second I turn my back she pushes the blanket aside and WHAMO! just like that she has her tongue all over that. I will turn to her and say in a firm voice "no, no" like they tell you you're supposed to (who is "they?" well, the experts, I suppose), but then she'll just look up and start to giggle and I then I start to laugh, and really the whole situation just turns into a comedy. Gross, yes, but rather funny.
Seriously, I can't even imagine how boring my life would be if I didn't have a little baby finding her bag of diapers in her crib and all of the diapers stacked so neatly in there and then laughing hysterically as she pulls them out one at a time and chucks them out of her crib when she's supposed to be taking a nap... Then I go in, because she's obviously not sleeping, and find a room filled with random diapers scattered everywhere and one little baby looks right up at me and just thinks she's the funniest baby that's ever lived. I mean, really, does life get any better than that? Not for me, that's for sure.
Hi, this is Ruth!! (just making sure you didnt forget who I was.)Happy birthday by the way! and i wanted to say that we miss you and that cutest little girl ever! I love the one of her reading the paper!! Great Job on the dress!!!! You guys should come visit sometime! ;0)
LOVE her dress. You are so talented Sheila!
I think because she is trying to munch on the metal bars, she will develop a killer immune system. Seriously! Anyway, the dress did turn out super cute and I really didn't help that much. You will soon surpass me and my sewing skills! Oh, and we do need another sewing party!
Finally you post again! Goodness! The ice cream makes me laugh. Cute cute!!
Oh Sheila... how i miss your comedic ways. I love that 2nd picture of her reading... it's priceless. You did a nice job on the dress. Dont worry, i deceided to make Chloe's blessing dress, and it was the same for me, maybe worse, cause i think my helpers made more of it than i did!
You will get hooked once you start to sew! The dress turned out so cute, but that adorable little girl takes the cake! We wanted to write and tell you happy belated birthday! The kids made you some rather fabulous cards, and they wanted to give you them in person. Your dad mentioned that you might be doing a birthday thing on Sunday, but I guess that fell through considering it is Sunday night! HAPPY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MY CUTE SISTER IN LAW!!! I hope that you day was FAB!
I am so jealous!! I want a sewing day with my sister-in-laws too. I really just need Nicole to hold my hand because I am not a great seamtress. I cannot believe how big Adalynn is getting. Tell her I said to stop it!! She looked absolutely adorable in her dress and I agree that you are so talented. I mean, look at the cute kid you made. Talent!! I miss you and that baby tons. Love ya!!!
What a cute dress! I am super impressed! And what a cute girl! Don't you love picking up the random diapers!
Wow, I am totally impressed. I love love Adalynn's dress! Nice job. She looks like a big girl reading the paper and eating ice cream. You always have her dressed so cute.
Holy cow Sheila...the dress is awesome! Great job!! Adalynn is so cute and getting so big, we miss you guys! Email me, I've been needing to talk to you, but I don't have your # in my phone! scottnkel@gmail.com
Oh my goodness your little girl is so yummy!! I ams o proud of you for making her dress! I am still just at sewing blankets!
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