Well, to start off this blog I need to brag about one of my favorite people ever...Jackson!! For those of you who are wondering why I am so happy with this handsome husband of mine, I'll let you in on his latest project... our fireplace!! Jackson painted and installed the random wood-burning stove that was in our garage when we moved in, and it is so wonderful. For anyone who doesn't even understand how AWESOME this is, I will tell you why I am so stoked: 1. Now it is basically free to heat our house (and for those of you who know me, you know I LOVE saving money) in this wintery wonderland Pocatello is having, and, 2. I can keep the house as warm as I want.. and trust me, it is sooo nice. If I want the house 80 degrees, no problem!! Here is a "before" and "after" picture so everyone can see the fireplace in all its glory.

I know what you're thinking.. oooh la la what a handsome fireplace!!
So since we're spending Christmas in the wonderfully warm Arizona, we decided to have our own family Christmas before we left. Adalynn was so cute. She was just in her diaper due to our sometimes outrageously warm house (what a lovely fireplace!), and so I just had to take some pictures. Adalynn LOVED the wrapping paper more than anything, which isn't really all that surprising since we just got her jammies, socks, and bigger clothes for Christmas. I know, I know, boring huh? But I figure we'll get away with a practical Christmas for as long as we can. Besides, her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family get her enough toys to last her for quite some time.

She's a super cutie, huh? And we thought we should probably take some pictures of her with her new presents

Clothes for Christmas!! It's quite obvious she's a girl, isn't it?
So anyway after our family Christmas, the next morning we left to Arizona. We ended up leaving at, like, 5:00 in the morning, and we were a little nervous about how Adalynn would do on the trip. To our surprise she did so great!! Adalynn pretty much slept almost the entire way down to Arizona and only woke up a few times to play and to eat. At one point she even decided she wanted to drive!! Since she's a little short to reach the gas and the brake, I decided I would help her out a little bit on her first drive.

I love how serious she looks in the picture..she's like, hey, dad, I'm driving. This is serious business.
Once we got to Arizona we had a lot of fun. Adalynn has started eating vegetables, which is really exciting. She's had a lot of fun with grandparents.

On Christmas Eve we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Fish's house for the Fish family party. It was so much fun Santa even showed up!! Adalynn was really funny with Santa. At first she looks at him like what the heck are you? Then Santa leans down and gives her a kiss on her forehead and she looks at Santa like how dare you even do that!! Then, obviously appalled at Santa's forwardness, she grabs Santa's beard and will NOT let go! It was pretty funny, I must admit. Atta girl!!

Finally the last thing that we did at the Fish family party was we took a five generation picture. It's pretty cool that Adalynn's great great grandparents are still alive. Yea!!
I think that's a pretty good update.. even though it only takes us to Christmas Eve... oh well, my fingers are tired.. more to come!!
That is super cute! I like the driving one the best, she is pretty serious about that driving stuff. We're glad you guys are having fun, but come home soon, we miss you! By the time you get back, we will in school again and not be able to play as much!
It is good to hear you are having a good time in AZ, but don't even think about moving back. Adalynn is so adorable and getting so big. Travel safe!!
You know how I feel about you moving back to Arizona...so do it. I will miss Addie way too much. I think that the boys will miss her almost as much as I will!! They can be the big brothers that she doesn't have and protect her from the other dangerous boys because that cutie is going to need it!! We love you guys!!
Sounds like and looks like you are having a great time! I must say that is pretty cute little girl! If I didn't already have 2 little girls of my own I might want one!
I loved everything about this wonderful christmas filled post! The fire place really is so beautiful, PROPS Jackson!! One day we will have one in our rather freezing living room. It sucks that heat rises sometimes. I am so glad that you had so much fun in Arizona, but we missed you here!
I can't believe Addalyn is sitting up all ready. Finley has absolutely no desire what so ever. Chandler sat at an amazing four months old, but we are so happy to let things happen at her own pace...no matter how ssslllloooowww that may be.
We hope to see you soon, lots of love and a happy new year!!
Sheila, You are absolutely right, it made me want to have my very own baby girl. I don't think my husband would go for it though. I will just live vicariously through you! Looks like you guys are fantastic!!
The fireplace looks great. Great job Jackson. It also looks like you had fun opening presents with Adalynn. Thanks sooo much for ours gifts; we loved them all (even though you did too much). We have watched the movie a few times already and we have played the games (Chase loves the Monopoly game). I love the pictures of Adalynn; she is adorable. We missed having you here for sledding on Christmas day, but I am sure you were enjoying the warmer weather (It did get warmer, didn't it?) in Arizona.
Such a cute baby girl! I'm glad Bonnie is not the only girl now.See you when you come again,
Love the pictures Sheila! Jackson is pretty amazing, that fireplace looks great! And if I didn't have two very cute girls of my own, I may be pretty jealous of your cutie pie!
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