The Fish family (the Jackson and Sheila one, not to be confused with any other relatives)has had a busy summer. Jackson is working his heinie off doing construction work -- which is quite the opposite of being exhilarating for him, I believe -- but his work is such a blessing to us. It's hard work though...most days he is gone from sunrise (which, I'm not gonna lie, I've usually not gotten me and my gagingly refreshing morning-breath self out of bed yet) to sunset (when I'm usually quite tired and ready for bed). I am writing this and thinking that possibly Jackson may have a crazy idea that I just sleep all the time! That's all he sees me doing! I don't, hun, I promise! I even do productive things most days! :)
I think it's rather lame that he's gone so much, but since he works so hard in the summer, he usually makes enough money where he doesn't have to work during school, which is a HUMONGOUS blessing. So I have to think BIG PICTURE kinds of thoughts. Jackson spends his summer days with his buddy Kevin. They enjoy replacing/tearing off roofs in the hot summer, working on their tans with their SPF 50 sunscreen, and losing lots of weight that may or may not have been put on throughout the school year. I don't know about you, but doesn't that sound like a DREAM job??? haha... or at least a job that reminds you why you're spending thousands of dollars going to college in the first place? Perhaps the second option is the more likely. Perhaps.
As for Addy and I, we like to P-A-R-T-Y!!! haha..or something like that. Addy has certainly had a busy summer helping me learn what in our house is not baby-proof and to enjoy the joys of vacuuming. And sweeping. And making sure nothing small is EVER on the floor because she will eat them/it. She is quite a funny little girl. By now she usually knows what it is she isn't supposed to get into, but, of course, those are the things that attract her like a magnet to a... fridge. Sooooooooooo as soon as she thinks I'm not looking, she'll scurry her little bum over to the forbidden object laughing and giggling all the way. Dead giveaway. If she has reached the forbidden object without me "knowing," she will look over her shoulder at me to see if I am watching. If I am (which is just about always), she'll give me this sweet INNOCENT smile that pretty much says Oh, hi, Mom! I wasn't doing anything! Just looking 13 1/2 months old, already she's such a trickster.

I know what you're thinking.. her? I can see the halo on top of her head! There's no way she would EVER disobey! It's pretty much true.. and that's one reason why I love her. She is the joy in my life, and I wouldn't trade her for the world. I just also think she's quite hilarious... She must take after her mother. hahahahah. good one.
Addy and I had a good 4th of July. Jackson's dad and uncle were in town for a week and a half, and they were on a fishing expedition, so we didn't get to see too much of them. For the 4th, Addy and I went up to Idaho Falls to spend time with my family. It was fun. My brothers are home for the summer, and so it's fun to go spend time with them just like the olden days when we were all still kids... except I'm now married and have a baby.. and they have their girlyfriends that they love to spend their time holding hands with, and one just returned from a two-year mission and the other is a Marine, and the youngest is a coming up junior in high school... other than that, it's almost the exact same! So the day before the 4th, my mom found out about a 4th of July 5K run that they do in IF! So...most of the family ran a 5K for the 4th! We even had matching shirts! (SIDENOTE: All this typing of 5K reminds me of this trial we had last year where the defendant's attorney was talking about how the defendant was an avid runner and loved to run 5Ks.. but instead of saying 5Ks, he kept getting it mixed up with 401-Ks, and so he kept telling the jurors how Mr. "Smith" loved running and loved running 401-Ks, and I thought it was quite funny...)

There's our "before" and "after" pictures. Aren't we CUTE?! But wait a minute! What is this? Oh, no! Not everyone made the journey... is probably what you're thinking. Don't fret. Everyone made it. Sorry, LauraLee, you're not in the "after" picture, because you had left to get the kids by then... in case you were worried.
The rest of the 4th was fun.. We watched a parade...
...had a BBQ...
...and Addy even got to jump on Grandma and Grandpa's trampoline with the sprinklers!
She loves water, and it was so funny to jump with her/watch her. She would hurry and crawl into the water and then sit there and blink her eyes really fast, and then she would apparently get thirsty because she'd stick out her tongue and try to figure out how to get enough water on it to get a drink. She never did figure it out. It's still a mystery.
This is kind of a random post. I don't have any more pictures, so I suppose it is time to end it, because, frankly, who wants to just read all these words I write and not see any pics? Not me, that's for sure. So the end.
I love reading your posts. They put me in such a good mood. Addy is looking quite grown up in those pictures.
Look at that sneaky little girl! She is so cute and has grown up so much! We miss you guys also!
Addy is too sweet and innocent to do any of those naughty things you say... i won't believe it- I need actual pictures as proof!
She is getting too big! Tell her that I said that she needs to stop this instant. I wish it were that easy. I ask Tanner if he is my baby and he looks at me all serious and says 'No..I'm a big boy!!' I tell him that that is exactly why I have to have another baby. They grow up too fast. Love all the pics. She is so beautiful. Give her some loves from me and I will talk to you later.
Miss and love ya tons!!
Oh I miss getting to watch your sweet little Addy! I love her hair in those little trickster pictures, TOO CUTE! What a fun fourth of July, I would love to try and run a 5 K, and you guys just look as great as ever in the after picture! You guys are such a cute family, I miss getting to see you guys so often but at least I get to see pictures, I love blogs!
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