About us

Jackson and I were married May 27, 2006. Addy joined our family in June of 2008 and Brylee came almost two years after in March of 2010. They are cute little girls and so much fun! This is our blog about periodic things going on in our family.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Beginning

Well, I admit it... I finally gave into peer pressure and got our family a blog. It truly is a momentous occassion for our us!...or at least for me. Where to start? Well, the fall season/semester has started for Jackson, and I'm beginning to understand why some wives don't positively love hunting season... Jackson is gone all the time looking for these cute animals to put in our freezer! It's very sad, but he loves loves loves hunting, so what the heck? Lucky for him he just has such a nice wife! Since he's gone every weekend I have to say that I am so happy that I have Adalynn to hang out with! Fortunately, she's pretty much the most adorable thing on the planet...plus she's getting so huge! She's officially three months old now, and I honestly can't even believe how fast she's growing! What can I say...the girl loves to eat.


Jeremy and Ruth said...

SOOO happy you got a blog!! good times good times!!! she is beautiful, as you know!!!! and i am sorry about the cute dead animals in your freezer, that is unfortinate!!

Ryan and Leah said...

So cute! Don't you sometimes wish they would just stay tiny! Enjoy it she is adorable!

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

Yeah....I am so glad that you decided to join the blogosphere!!! I love the pics and I can't wait for more updates. If you ever want to hang out while Jackson is gone,( make hair bows, go to D.I., go out to lunch, scrapbook etc.) just let me know. Love ya lots..


Terry Family said...

I am so happy you decided to do a blog. I feel like I miss out on so much family stuff living in Wyoming. But with the blog spot I can get little glimpses of your life and see how big Adalynn is getting. I love the quote you have on the top of your page. Your guys are more than welcome to come visit any time.
Love -- Mandi

Michelle said...

Oh yay you're blogging! You daughter is pretty darn adorable!

If you don't terribly mind, could you take my last name off your link list? We try not to give that out online. Thanks! I'll add you to my blogroll too. :D