So first thing: family pictures. Quite a few weeks ago we had my dad take some family pictures for us. I thought some nice outdoor pictures with different backgrounds would be nice to hang up, so we journeyed in to the downtown area of Idaho Falls. It was the perfect day for pictures, with one little teeny major exception: the wind decided to be insane that day and my hair is going everywhere. Nice. I don't know why it is, but for some reason when I have some occasion where I'd like some at least semi-decent pictures, the natural elements of the world just laugh and tell me no way. Take my wedding day, for example. Jackson and I got married in Mesa, Arizona at the end of May. If you know anything about Mesa you know that the weather forecast is hot, sunny, and dry 99% of the time. Well, this played true for May 27, 2006, with one exception: the wind. The wind? Really? It's the truth. Example shot:
Notice in particular my mom's hair. I sure hope she didn't spend a lot of time perfecting it that day..
Anyway, so my hair looked ridiculously fabulous, especially in our first more windy shots..
Almost mullet-like, don't ya think? I know, I know, jealousy all around.
So after moving down to a less windy location, we ran into another problem: Adalynn apparently does not like family pictures. At least she didn't cry, but she seriously was avoiding looking at the camera at pretty much all cost
Of all the days to decide she wants to learn peek-a-boo.. Drat. Oh, well, at least she's cute in her mischievousness! So I suppose you can call family pictures a semi-success.
That's pretty much the end of this post, except I'm sure you noticed the big AND... in the title. I actually did that on purpose. It's to build the suspense, like, ooh, family pictures AND, what could it be? It's a mystery! I will have to read this post! Did it work? Probably not.
So the big AND is the news Jackson and I have (drum roll, please).. we are expecting another baby! Shocking, I know. Trust me, I think I was the most shocked out of anybody. So shocked, in fact, that we don't really have a due date. The guesstimate is anywhere from the end of February to the middle of March. When I went to the doctor he said I was measuring about 14 1/2 weeks, and that was two weeks ago, so we're guessing I'm about 16-17 weeks along. I have an ultrasound scheduled in a month though and so hopefully we'll get a better idea from that. I've been pretty fortunate in that I'm not really sick at all; I've just been SUPER tired. Holy smokes I am always tired. Makes life interesting.
Anyway, sorry to keep everyone out of the loop for so long. Like I said, we were super surprised to get a positive test (so surprised, in fact, that I took 3 more tests) and so we really didn't tell anyone for quite a while. You can definitely tell that I've gained weight now though, so we figured the world aught to know. I'm definitely at that awkward stage where I don't really look pregnant, just bigger than I was. Jackson and I have a bet on a girl or a boy. He thinks it's another girl, and I think it's a boy. If he wins, then he gets to go out and have hot wings, and if I win I get an asphalt pie from Winger's. Yum. I can taste it already. Boy, I sure hope I win.